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// Make sure that input contains http if(substr($blog,0,7) != "http://") $blog = "http://" . $blog; // Make sure that blog URL ends with a slash if(substr($blog, -1) != "/") $blog = $blog . "/"; // Determine the count of blog posts $url = $blog . "atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=1"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE); $xml = curl_exec($ch) ; curl_close($ch); // Parse the XML ouput to determine the count $x = strpos($xml, " ") + strlen(" "); $y = strpos($xml, " "); $c = substr($xml, $x, $y-$x); // Generate the XML sitemap for robots.txt if ($c >=1) { echo "# Blogger Sitemap generated on " . date("Y.m.d") . " "; echo "User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / "; for($x=1; $x Sitemap: " ...
. opko  This movie realised on 27 Janwary oijroijf dfdbjfdknfd dnsfbdjknfcjkd dcmvnbnvkc dnfcjkdnjkfnd dnfjkdznhkjfndjk dnfjksznhdfjsdz jfnsdjknfjksdnjkfndsnfndslfd fvdfjkndjknfklndlnfklndlkfdf dfndknfklndklnfkldfd fdfjndj d fdmlkfnkjdnfkjnd\dvndxm,vn,mx Click video for sound Play Control

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Banned by AdSense? Check to see if you have been Banned from Google! AdSense Banned Check is a powerful set of tools that verifies if your website and/or domain has been banned by either the Google Search Engine or Google AdSense.  Keep in mind though, that this will not indicate if your personal AdSense account has, or has not been, banned from Google. It will let you know if your Website has been banned by Adsense. Website/domain verification is especially usefull when you plan on: - Checking if your site has been banned by AdSense. - Opening a new AdSense account. - Transfering your domain to a new name. - Selling your domain to someone new. - Researching if an existing domain has been banned by AdSense. - Checking to see if your competition has been banned. Check to see if your website and/or domain is banned by both the Google Search Engine, and by Google AdSense, by entering your website name below.  Be sure to check your site with 'www' in ...